These are the ongoing chronicles of my journey into the wonderful world of Z-scale
model railroading.
Z-scale caught my attention and my imagination at a local train show a couple of years ago. Finally
- a way to fit my railroading fantasies into a manageable space! Now Z does have some drawbacks, which I'll mention along
the way. However, as far as I'm concerned, the 'pros' far outweigh the 'cons'.
I'm discovering that the 'Z Community'
is surprisingly close-knit and supportive! The good news is that there are resources and folks out there who are ready to
cheer you on, challenge you and provide much-needed wisdom.
You'll also see periodic updates on this page for the ZoCal group, a loose confederation
of Southern California Z-heads that began in February 2006.
All aboard for Z Odyssey! I'm glad you're along for the
ride, and hope this modest site will both entertain and encourage you in your own journey. Enjoy!
- Steve Gibbs

Scale comparison between Z (1:220) and N (1:160) |
June 2008 - Completed Track Planning and Anaheim Show Report

What's Up with ZoCal?
(Updated 6/17/08)
Just one more month until the National Train Show in Anaheim on July 19th and 20th! The preliminary plans
for all the Z scale displays look quite formidable - 2 large modular layouts (incorporating modules from all along the east
coast, as well as some from Texas and beyond, I believe), a whole area for smaller individual layouts, and the possibility
for a number of modelling clinics during the course of the weekend. Many thanks to Lajos from the ZoCal group for coordinating
our Z presence this year. I'll definitely be shooting some video!
In the meantime, to whet your appetite I have posted below a 4-minute highlight video from last December's
GTE show where ZoCal and the BAZ Boys (Bay Area Z) put together a fine exhibit. Enjoy!
Click here for video of the GTE show in Anaheim on 12/29/07.
Click Here for photos from the Great Train Expo in Anaheim.
For more info on ZoCal, or to join, click on the following link: